As Black Roses Bleed
A dark fantasy short story by Morgan Wright
"If darkness be hidden,
And thorns persist,
Let peace live on.
But if thorns be slit,
And eyes reopen,
Let death befall."
"As Black Roses Bleed" was picked by The Common Tongue Magazine for publication in their debut issue!!
Due to popular request, there will now be a continuation on the story. Subsequently, the piece published by The Common Tongue Magazine will now be known as "As Black Roses Bleed (Part 1)".
Both Part 1 and the sequel (Part 2) of the story will be published together and available in ebook and paperback formats soon (official publishing date still to be determined).
If you'd like to read Part 1 of the story, you can do so for free here: https://www.commontonguezine.com/article/as-black-roses-bleed/
"Y'all, @byMorganWright's first foray into publishing, "As Black Roses Bleed," is a disturbing and chilling display of talent and grotesque imagination that reminded me of Poe in the best way. Highly recommend checking it out! I genuinely never compare artists, but to say her work reminds me of Poe or Camus is the highest praise I can give and well-deserved."
- Andrew Lauck, Author of A Broken World
"Wow. Just wow. If you have a few mins, check out this dark, beautifully written story by @byMorganWright. This one stays with you for a little bit."
- Carl F. Brothers, Author of Keepers & Destinies
"Dark, creepy, and beautifully told. If Morgan Wright can deliver this gem as her first published story, she is truly destined for greatness. Give us more, Morgan!"
- Ken Stark, Award-Winning Author
"So I have to say... @byMorganWright killed it. This story had me wanting to keep reading. It was dark and captivating. I am want more, no... I need more."
- @T3hBurm, Author
"Wow, just read “As Black Roses Bleed” by @byMorganWright. This is one amazing short story the #WritingCommunity must not miss! I love a story with a twist and this has a huge dark one. Please read it. Honestly, it’s brilliant."
- Darren M. Edden, Author of The Mirror of Our Creation and The Future of The Present Past
"As Black Roses Bleed" is an exemplary work of dark fantasy. Filled with visceral descriptions and gruesome details, Morgan Wright's story about death and betrayal is masterfully written and enthralling from beginning to end. It is one of the best short stories I've read this year."
- Eric Avedissian, Editor/SFWA Member and Author of Gargoyles & Absinthe
"The depth of darkness swirling is outstanding! The story actually gave me goosebumps. The eerie setting combined with the devilish atmosphere was the perfect place for a town riddled with its own dreary secrets."
- Siddhart Menon, Co-Author or Mixed Canvas
"A beautifully written horror story. A fantastic premise. And a horrific twist at the end you don’t see coming."
- Elana McDougall, Author of Hidden Magic
“Reading this story is like opening Pandora’s box and being caught in the chaos. It is like screaming without making a sound. It feels like a prelude to an epic dark fantasy novel, rather than just a short story. There is enough intrigue and mystery to stay with you long after you read the final sentence. As Black Roses Bleed lingers on in your mind like a nightmare you can’t escape when you close your eyes.”
- Aisha Urooj, Blogger/Book review and Author of The Stone Mermaid
“Folks. You’ve gotta read this!! It has quickly slipped onto my list of favorite short stories! I can’t wait for the sequel by @byMorganWright!”
- Evan The Nerd, Author of Magical Apocalypse
“Just read @byMorganWright's As Black Roses Bleed and I'd give it 5⭐️ for the dark and wicked mood portrayed, alone. A breathtaking short story that will make you feel a lot in just under 3k words. I need to know what happens to Darius!!”
- Daljit @Daljitje, Author
"The fantasy genre has not been a common find on my bookshelf but I always like to read something new. This has certainly captured my interest! The suspense in the tortured and abused soul makes you want to want him to survive his capture. Looking forward to what the next instalment as to offer! As a novice to dark fantasy, this is a great introduction. For those that frequent the genre, this is a must!"
- Adam Giblin, Author & Actor